Jim Zee Style Magician’s Table
Well there’s nothing magic about the table but who this was made for is a magician. He needed a close up table to work his magic. He had a few requirements, the wood surrounding the table had to be removable so he could replace the felt when it had worn out, removable legs so he could take it to magic shows and the like and a small drawer to keep cards and other things in. The surround was probably the most challenging so at the end of the day, I simply screwed it on from underneath the table. There are a lot of screws so replacing the felt is still going to be some work. The legs are held on with hanger bolts that slip into a slot cut into the corner bracing for the top of the leg. The table surface is made from 3/4in plywood, the legs are walnut and the surround is walnut, cherry and maple, has a decorative inlay all the way around the top and large maple splines. I wouldn’t have done the splines if that piece wasn’t removable but I wanted it to have some strength so it didn’t break when taken off. The drawer sides are made of poplar with a walnut face that was cut from the apron so the grain is continuous and the inside is flocked green which is as close to the felt top as I could get. I added some foam under the felt so when he does the ball and cup routine the balls don’t make a harsh sound and bounce off the table. Jim Zee made tables like this for years and had quite the market but was getting to a time in his life where he decided not to make them anymore. Thanks for checking out my Jim Zee style table.
Ken Stephenson
What is the cost?
What are the dimensions?
How much does it weigh?
Todd Jackson
To answer your questions:
I’m not sure yet how much I would charge for them.
The table top is ~24″x48″.
Weighs about 20lbs. Not 100% sure on this but it’s not very heavy.
Ken Jones
I would love one of these tables. Please make me one. {removed} ~Ken
Todd Jackson
I appreciate your interest in the table. I’m not sure if I’m going to make more. If I can get enough interest I will go ahead and make a run of these.
Ken Jones
I didn’t realize my comment would be posted to the site. Can you remove my phone number please? I think you will get plenty of interest from the magic community. There were two or three craftsmen who used to make these but they have all passed away. Jim Zee sold his tables for around $700 each. I’m a friend of Roger and I would absolutely love one. It is beautiful. ~Ken
Todd Jackson
I removed your number. I think you’re safe though. I put this website back up today and I’m sure not that many people have been to it, your secret is safe.
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